The Backstage Magic of The NeverEnding Story

Atreyu Got Seriously Injured on Set

Making a movie always involves risks, but for the actor who played Atreyu, it almost cost him an eye. While filming the movie, Noah Hathaway was injured on several occasions. He was thrown off a horse which then stepped on him. Luckily, the injuries were minor.

A still from Noah Hathaway’s scene with the wolf-like beast.

Photo by Impress Own/United Archives/Getty Images

It was during the final fight scene between Atreyu and the wolf-like beast Gmork that the actor nearly lost an eye. The robot that was Gmork began to malfunction, and somehow one of its claws slashed the child actor on the face, right next to his eye. It was extremely heavy, so when it fell on him, he completely lost his breath, and his injuries were pretty severe. Because he got injured, they only had one take of this scene, and that’s what you see in the final cut.

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